Academic tips

Quick and simple, this is what we offer with this post. You will find many easy tips on English presented in a fun and engaging way. English is Never As Simple as it seems. “Hi, my name is “Asky” whenever you see my picture try and answer my question.  Grammar tip: Present perfect (posted Sept….

Cambridge exam tips

 Good luck with your Cambridge Exams  If you are going to sit for the Cambridge exam you should bear in mind the following information on format and the timing. Below you will find a chart with the available exams Cambridge has. Choose the one you are going to sit for and familiarise yourself with the…


These videos, made by our students, will help you understand English in a fun and easy way.  Go on, treat yourself! Kick back and enjoy these great clips. “Comparative and superlative” By high school student. (posted 28th Nov. 2016) “May and Might” By high school students. (posted 29th Sept. 2016) “Ordinal numbers” by primary students….

School Anthem

Is there a big event coming up and you don’t know the school anthem by heart? Don’t worry, forgetting the lyrics happens to the best of us.“Keep calm and brush up on it”. Here’s a video and the lyrics. Chorus: Neilista youth go ahead For Colombia we’re going to fight With firmness, strength, and effort…

NAS Spelling contest

Come and share with us the Neil Armstrong spelling bee! Below is the necessary information so that you can be a part of the NAS spelling bee experience. Here you are able to view information about the contest and study the word list. Invitation letter to all schools in Villavicencio, Meta – Colombia. (2017) Dear…


Find out about our latest information and upcoming events here: SUPER ENGLISH 2017 ( posted August 14th 2017) Next term, every day 1, English and French teachers will be available for students in the halls of the school to talk to them in these two languages. There will be a suggested topic each week so they…


“Enjoy a wide selection of text such as stories, articles, essays and messages. You name it, we’ve got it. All of these texts were written by our students. Enjoy! “Reading plan” from 9th grade students. Currently students are reading “Wuthering Heights” (posted 26th July, 2016) “Summary” students learnt to make a summary after watching a…


If you are interested in our gallery of images look no further- you’ll be able to view all of the English department activities with our students here. Check our pics, they’re awesome! 7th grade IN ACTION (posted Sept. 22nd, 2016 by Mariana Infante) In these pictures the 7th grade class is in an English lesson. They…


Bonjour à tous. Ici vous trouverez beaucoup de choses pour pratiquer la langue française!!

Soyez les bienvenus….

Vive la France !

Headmaster’s corner

Find out about the latest trends in education from our very own “mover and shaker”. This section provides news from our headmaster, Ramiro Garces Arcila. WELCOMING GREETING! Our school has the privilege of being a Cambridge English School and it is a place of honor in Latin America. This achievement was becuase of the long  hours,…